Navigating Real Estate Lease Assignments in M&A: A Case Study


In this insightful blog post, we delve into the complexities of real estate lease assignments within the context of mergers and acquisitions (M&A). Using a compelling case study involving a marijuana cultivation facility in Phoenix, we explore the intricacies of securing landlord consent, navigating contractual obligations, and the legal ramifications of overlooking critical lease provisions. Gain valuable insights into the pivotal role of real estate in M&A transactions and learn from real-world examples to enhance your understanding of lease assignment dynamics.

M&A Stories

April 8, 2024

In the intricate world of mergers and acquisitions (M&A), real estate often stands as a cornerstone asset, with leases playing a pivotal role. However, the path to securing a smooth transition of leased properties can be fraught with complexities, as exemplified by a recent case involving a marijuana cultivation facility in Phoenix.

In December 2015, a buyer acquired assets, including equipment and inventory, while assuming the seller’s lease interest. Crucially, the lease stipulated that any assignment necessitated written consent from the landlord. Yet, neither the buyer nor the seller notified the landlord of the impending transaction, nor did they execute the assignment term in the lease.

For over two years post-acquisition, the buyer dutifully fulfilled lease obligations, unaware of potential complications looming on the horizon. Matters came to a head in August 2017 when the City of Phoenix, citing regulatory concerns, approached the buyer, highlighting the absence of their name on the lease—a prerequisite for compliance.

Seeking resolution, the buyer petitioned the landlord for an entity change on the lease, emphasizing the oversight from the time of acquisition. In response, the landlord provided a modified lease with the seller’s name replaced by the buyer’s. However, ambiguity shrouded the sufficiency of this alteration, with the landlord’s reassurance interpreted as tacit approval by the buyer.

Subsequently, a rift ensued between the buyer and the landlord, culminating in the buyer’s eviction and subsequent legal recourse. The ensuing legal battle turned on the pivotal question of whether the landlord had indeed consented to the lease assignment.

In the ensuing legal battle, the trial court sided with the landlord, invoking the absence of explicit consent. However, the intermediate appellate court adopted a different stance, recognizing the buyer’s assertions as constituting a plausible legal claim. This decision reverberated beyond the confines of the case, underscoring the paramount importance of securing landlord consent in lease assignments, a practice ubiquitous in the realm of M&A transactions.

The case, Growth Opportunities, Inc. v. Tenbar, Inc., serves as a poignant reminder of the intricate dance between contractual obligations and practical exigencies inherent in M&A dealings. Indeed, the buyer’s predicament could have been averted had they diligently sought the landlord’s consent in adherence to lease stipulations.

In essence, this case encapsulates the nuanced interplay between legal frameworks and real-world ramifications, underscoring the imperative for meticulous due diligence and proactive engagement in navigating the labyrinthine landscape of M&A transactions.

Case Reference: Growth Opportunities, Inc. v. Tenbar, Inc. No. 1 CA-CV 23-0143, Court of Appeals of Arizona, Division One(Filed February 8, 2024).

Thank you for reading this blog. If you have any questions, insights, or if you’d like to engage in a more detailed discussion on this matter, I invite you to reach out directly.

Feel free to send me an email. I value thoughtful discussions and am always open to connecting with business owners management, as well as professionals who share an interest in the complexities of M&A law.

By John McCauley: I write about recent legal problems of buyers and sellers of small businesses.



Telephone:      714 273-6291


Check out my books: Buying Assets of a Small Business: Problems Taken From Recent Legal Battles and Selling Assets of a Small Business: Problems Taken From Recent Legal Battles

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