Blog Archives

M&A Seller Objects to Buyer’s Inclusion of Discretionary Bonuses in Post-Closing Working Capital True-Up

Discover the intricate dynamics of M&A transactions through a recent Delaware Court of Chancery decision that underscores the complexities of working capital adjustments. In a $345 million acquisition, a dispute over the inclusion of discretionary bonuses in post-closing working capital

Posted in purchase price adjustment, working capital adjustment Tagged with: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Resolving M&A Working Capital Disputes: Arbitration vs. Expert Determination

Explore a real case from 2021 involving the sale of a Phoenix-based commercial building remodels and maintenance business for $3.8 million. Delve into the controversy, legal actions, key findings, and implications of the case, providing insights into the dynamic world

Posted in book value adjustment, dispute resolution procedure, purchase price, working capital adjustment Tagged with: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Asset Buyer Can’t Recoup its Stale Fraud-Breach Claims Against Earnout

Explore a case study from March 10, 2020, involving a medical device company acquisition and the implications of not pursuing fraud/breach claims post-closing. Learn about the court’s ruling and the importance of timely action in M&A deals. March 10, 2020

Posted in earn out, earn outs, recoupment doctrine, statute of limitations Tagged with: , , , , , , , , ,

Court Decides EY Earnout Calculation as Arbitration, Not Expert Determination

Learn about a recent M&A case where a court ruled on the nature of an Ernst & Young earnout calculation, determining it as arbitration rather than expert determination. Get insights into the legal conflict and the court’s ruling. November 19,

Posted in arbitration vs expert determination, dispute resolution provision, earn out, earn out dispute procedure, earn outs Tagged with: , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

A Costly Lesson: Simplifying M&A Price Adjustments

Explore a real-life M&A case involving a dispute over purchase price adjustments and the importance of streamlining this process. Learn how specifying the accounting firm in the APA could have saved time, stress, and money. September 20, 2019 M&A Stories

Posted in dispute resolution procedure, purchase price, working capital adjustment Tagged with: , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Earnout Dispute: Lessons for Business Sellers

Explore the case of a Texas-based seller’s earnout dispute and the consequences of failing to verify earnout calculations. Learn valuable lessons for business sellers in M&A deals September 3, 2019 M&A Stories Introduction: When buying or selling a business, disagreements

Posted in earn out, earn out dispute procedure, economic loss doctrine, fraud in business sale, fraud in the inducement exception Tagged with: , , , , , , , , , ,

Clarifying SaaS Business M&A Deal: Understanding the Fine Print

Explore the intricacies of a recent M&A case involving the sale of a cloud-based SaaS business. Dive into the details of the deal, including purchase price, royalties, and the legal battle that ensued. June 17, 2019 M&A Stories Introduction: In

Posted in purchase price, royalty Tagged with: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

M&A Integration Provision and Exclusive Remedy Clause: How They Impact Seller Claims

Explore the crucial role of the APA Integration Provision and Exclusive Remedy Clause in a recent M&A case involving a Denver-based seller and a Houston-based buyer. Discover key allegations, the seller’s claim, the court’s decision, and the legal obstacles faced

Posted in earn out, economic loss doctrine, exclusive remedy, integration clause Tagged with: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Ambiguous Payment Provision Sparks Legal Dispute

Explore the pitfalls of unclear purchase money note adjustment provisions in M&A agreements through the Bloom Master Inc. v. Bloom Master LLC. case. Learn how to avoid disputes with these M&A agreement recommendations. June 9, 2019 M&A Stories Introduction: In

Posted in agreement to agree is unenforceable, note payment amount adjustment, promissory note, purchase price, purchase price adjustment Tagged with: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Resolving Working Capital Disputes in M&A Agreements

Explore the intricacies of resolving working capital disputes in M&A agreements, with a focus on the case of Agiliance, Inc. v. Resolver Soar, LLC. Learn about the importance of clear dispute resolution language and its impact on M&A transactions. M&A

Posted in arbitration vs expert determination, dispute resolution provision, purchase price, working capital adjustment Tagged with: , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

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